There will be three classes of members, as follows:
Min. 2 years of IT experience
Tertiary or professional qualification acceptable to the Council
Currently employed in Singapore
In the capacity of a manager in charge of IT functions or who is involved in an equivalent position in fields allied to the IT management
Having worked in this capacity for a minimum of two years
Has voting rights
Registration Fee
Annual Fee
Min. 2 years of IT experience
Tertiary or professional qualification acceptable to the Council
Currently employed in Singapore
In the capacity of any manager and has a keen interest in fields allied to IT
Having worked in this capacity for a minimum of two years
No voting rights
Registration Fee
Annual Fee
Special Member
Considered by the Council to have made significant contribution in the field of IT management in Singapore
Having worked in this capacity for a minimum of two years
No voting rights
Registration Fee
Annual Fee
Membership Period
1 January to 31 December
If your membership is accepted after 30 June but before 30 September, you pay only half of the annual subscription fee.
If your membership is accepted after 30 September but before 31 December, you pay the full amount but your membership will be valid till the end of the following calendar year.